2 Timothy 1:7
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline"
You might ask why I start a blog about peace off with a verse on fear, but to me it's simple. I claim this verse as my "peace" verse. Let me explain that a little bit. I have to start off with my Church service this weekend. Our church is doing a series entitled "I Quit", and this week, we "quit" living in fear. While my pastor was laying this on the table for us, I kept thinking, fear is the opposite of peace. Pastor Craig (lifechurch.tv) explained that our biggest fear is what we trust Jesus with the least. I had to agree with that. My biggest fear is my health and never being able to have a baby. As previously stated, this is a HUGE faith issue with me, and for me, faith = trust. I had to take that one step more and say that for me faith/trust in God would equal peace in my soul. How many of us long for peace? I know several military wives read this blog, and I'm sure each of you raised your hands when asked that question. But I'm talking of a different kind of peace, a much more personal kind of peace. The peace that really does pass all understanding.
What kind of peace is that? It's the kind of peace that settles into your soul, that will allow for that "still small voice" to speak to you. When this happens, at least for me, it seems to happen amongst the chaos of my life. Out of nowhere, I'll experience a peace that really won't make any sense. I'll be going along with my day, stressing out over this or that; when something will pop out at me, or someone will say something to be that will hit that spot, that "peace spot". Once this happens, it's as if I'm in a different mind set or mood then I was before. God will grant me that peace in a place I never would have expected peace to come to me.
I don't know if my words are conveying my thoughts correctly today, but I know that sometimes I need that peace more then I need my next breath; and that is the EXACT moment that God grants it to me. Psalm 34:4 says "I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears." This was another verse that our pastor used this week. I can't help but think about those times I've cried out to God, heartbroken and bruised, and He's answered with that peace, a peace that instantly freed me from my fears.