Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nuggets of the Word

Proverbs 19:20
     "20 Get all the advice and instruction you can,
 so you will be wise the rest of your life.

I found several "nuggets" of truth that applied to me today! The first one is Proverbs 19:20. I had been reading in the old testament about how Solomon asked God for wisdom, and that God granted that to him; in fact told him he'd be the wisest king ever. So when I got to Proverbs (largely written by King Solomon) I had to stop and listen to his advice on wisdom. I read the words with a sense of awe. It really is simple advice, but, I admit, sometimes it is the simple things that through me for a loop! I have been hearing a lot lately that I need to be in the Word of God (which I am) and it occurs to me that there is no better place to receive instruction then in God's Word. The part that struck me is the getting advice. I have a tendency to be a "lone ranger" in my faith. I have questions all of the time, but I tend to ask them in my head and not to someone who might be able to help me figure it out. I do go to my husband a lot; he's just really smart that way; but I feel like I could be seeking more advice about my faith. I want to be wise, I have prayed for it a lot, but I see from this verse that I may have some work to do to get to that point. If I didn't work for the goal though, would it really be worth it? I think not; so work I must. I think I'm going to seek out some wise people and start asking more of my faith questions! 

Proverbs 19:21
     "21 You can make many plans,
but the Lord’s purpose will prevail."

The very next verse; Proverbs 19:21, is something that I have to remember. I have been praying and praying for a baby; as I've stated several times in my blog, to what seems like no avail. This verse nearly threw its self at me this morning. "You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail." I really, REALLY want the Lord's will to prevail in my life, and I have been a life long planner; so reading this verse brings to mind my ways are not HIS ways and that I really do need to wait patiently on the Lord. It also brings to mind the saying "good things come to those who wait"! I may need to not make plans for awhile here and just let the Lord lead me, learn to trust Him and know that He won't drop me. That is a VERY scary sentence to write for me. My heart actually started beating harder just writing it! I have survived doing this before, and survived very well, but it still scares me silly! How does one just trust that everything will be fine and will turn out ok? I believe that when I read it, but I just don't think my heart and head have gotten together on this one yet. I also feel hope in this verse as well, even if I plan for something that isn't good, or in His will; HIS PURPOSE WILL PREVAIL! Thank God that His purpose prevails!

Psalm 16:5
    "5 Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.
You guard all that is mine."

This verse as well, speaks to me. I long for a baby with just about every breath; but I need to learn that the Lord ALONE is my inheritance, I do not need anything else. This is another one of those verses that hurts as much as it helps. I am not so sure how to write about this without making God sound like He's got me under His thumb; but I really feel like God is saying that it's ok if I don't have a baby because I have Him and He's so much better then any human (the last part is from me...not God!). Because of Him my cup is full to over flowing! I have a great life, and it's not right of me to spend it just moping because God hasn't given me what I THINK I need. I have a wonderful husband, a good job and some of the best friends in the world, not to mention a loving and supporting family; what more could a girl ask for? I don't want to discredit that God may give me a baby when the timing is right; but I do want to rest in the knowledge that I have HIM, and because of that my cup is full!

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