Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Challenge in Patience update 2

Acts 4:29
    "29 Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness."

Because my last post was so short, you get a bonus post today! My phone reminded me that it was time to update on my challenge in patience.

This month my update is a little different. The two "patience peeps" I talked about last month haven't had any new revaluations to update on. However, I have been spending more time in prayer for the last two of my peeps (I find giving them a term like this makes it more personal, as if they aren't just names I've picked; but dear friends in my life.) and I have noticed a difference in one of them. I can't go into much detail on it; but their behavior leads me to believe that God is working in their lives and they are fighting it with all that they are worth. That is exciting to me, because if they are fighting that means my God is too! He can win any battle and I know that the things this individual is going through are growing pains, some that they do not want to admit they need to grow on.

This past weekend at my church, Life Church, we talked about being Bold for Christ. One of the people I have on my list of peeps will be mostly walking out of my life at the end of next week. I pray daily that I can make a difference in that persons life before I no longer have direct contact with them. The verse out of Acts was something that held my attention, maybe a little longer then my pastor intended, because it has these words in it: enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. I've been praying for that boldness when it comes to my peeps, but especially this particular one whom I feel my "time" is almost up on. I have heard many people talk about how one person plants a seed, and other people water that seed, but I am in prayer that the seed may indeed be planted with this person.

This person may have one of the longest roads to Christ of everyone on my list; each individual has their own issues with religion, but this person has chosen to take the opposite road, going down a path that leads as far away from Christ as possible. My "seed planting" clock is ticking and I'm not sure how to move from this point to the next with them. I have been praying that God would enable me to speak boldly into this persons life, I would greatly appreciate if my readers would join me in that prayer.

Thank you so much for reading my blogs; especially the blogs pertaining to my challenge in patience, it helps me to remember to pray for them; and encourages me to think that others may be joining me in those prayers...even if they don't know who they are praying for! Again, GO GOD GO!

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