Sunday, August 21, 2011

For such a time as this

Esther 4:14
    "14 If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

I have searched my online Bible source thoroughly and I can't seem to find the wording of this verse that I grew up with. This verse has been a "life verse" for me, since my freshman year in college. When I was a young buck, 18 and "wise beyond my years"; at least to my own way of thinking, I followed the call in my life to come to college. This wouldn't be anything overly spectacular, except that the school I was called to go to was 15 hours and 900 miles from the only town I'd ever lived in. So I packed my things and my parents and I jumped into the back of my parents van (or maybe my grandparents van...can't remember!) and drove from Elkhart, IN all the way to Oklahoma City, OK. My parents and I had never seen the state, city OR school campus before we arrived here to drop me off. Imagine our surprise when they had to leave me at a tiny little campus in the middle of what seemed like no where. Well, I had a bit of a hard time adjusting to this life, plus being so far away from the family I adored.

Along about October, I had a feeling that I hadn't made the right choice, that I really HADN'T heard God leading me out here to school, that I had somehow made it all up in my head. I was getting depressed and feeling like most of the people here were a whole new breed of people. I had never been in the south, or west...let alone the southwest! I'm  a city girl, born and raised...and even though I was under the impression that I was from a "small town" the folks around here showed me different. In short, I didn't think I belonged, I thought I was a fish out of water.

Then one day in Chapel I found this verse. The wording for the second part of the verse in the Bible I had at the time said "For who can say that you weren't placed in the Palace for just such a time as this?". Upon first glance, I saw place, instead of Palace. The words took my breath away, I was feeling God healing me instantly when I read them. It was as if He was telling me, then and there, I was here for a reason, and I needed to stay. I think that was a turning point in my social life at school; when I actually started making some of the BEST friends I've ever had; or ever WILL have in my life!

Fast forward to current times, and I'm in need of this verse again! My life isn't exactly how I'd dreamed it would be all those years ago. True, I have a WONDERFUL husband, and I'm even working in a "high rise, down town" (if you can count 10 floors as a high rise!), but I have all of my medical issues, and no baby. When I start to get depressed about these things God brings this verse back into my life again, He's telling me that I need to trust Him, to know that I am here; in this city, with this job and my husband for a reason. This is especially good to remember, when I think about how my husbands job isn't his favorite thing ever. I have to remember that God will place us where we need to be, jobs, babies and health; when we need to be there. Again, it's a clue and a key to this plan of patience I've been going through this past 8 months. 

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