Saturday, February 12, 2011


Why is it so much easier to trust God when the sun is shinning? Have you ever notice that? The last two weeks here in OKC have been very much winter and while I'm used to have a winter up north, this is something entirely new for my "southern" self to endure. Most of my blogging has been during this time...this "winter" if you will, in my life. I've written about faith, love, disappointments, and many other "issues" with my life during this "winter".

Today was different for me. For the first time in about two weeks, I woke late (for some odd reason, I just haven't been able to sleep in at all lately, even when I had two days off for the blizzard), and felt great about it! When I grabbed my cell phone to check the weather, it said sunny and 42 (this was about 10:30), then I got up to get dressed and looked again (nearly 2 hours later) and it said sunny and 56!! WHAT??? 56?? I did a little happy dance and got in the shower so that I could get ready to face this awesome much of a happy dance that I even shaved my legs...I mean after all, I'll be wearing flip flops today, mine as well wear a dress too, right?

 I marched myself down stairs and across the parking lot to do some laundry and it dawned on me...those things that I was struggling with, JUST YESTERDAY, don't seem so important today. Today, the important thing is to focus on God's love for me, His face smiling on me and the general happiness that I feel. Why is that? why do we, as humans, feel like the world is ending when the sun isn't out?

I don't have any answers for this question, but I think that for once, there don't need to be any answers, just rest, peace and love filtering through my blood, and life today. Thank you Jesus for the sun! :-)


  1. I totally agree and what you've said here actually has a lot of psychological backing to it. I just studied about this same thing for one of my classes.

  2. Awesome and yes I agree. I also think it is easier to endure alot of things when there is sun shining! I know for me, I can deal with Tim being gone when the weather is nice. Even when I don't get out and do something in the sunshine, just having it come shining in all the windows of the house makes me a much happier and easy going mom!
