Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Mark 15:37-38
   "37 Then Jesus uttered another loud cry and breathed his last. 38 And the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom."

Today is Good Friday, traditionally a day of somber reflection on the death of Christ on a cross. I confess that I haven't always understood that. Yes, today is the day we remember that He died for our sins, and how horrible that death really was. But I have always felt excitement on this day. I'm the one who's looking forward to Sunday, to the day He rose from the dead; conquering death its self to free us from all of our sins.

Several years ago, Mel Gibson put out a movie about this time in Christs life, The Passion of The Christ so that people might identify with His suffering and see how it might have been. I can remember leaving the theater after watching this movie and seeing all of the shell shocked faces surrounding me. I wondered what might be wrong with them? Didn't they see it? Why weren't they shining with joy like I felt I was? Then it dawned on me, they did indeed miss my favorite part of the movie...the very last scene. What, you may ask was this last scene? In my humble opinion, the most beautiful part of Salvation: an empty tomb!

That empty tomb is really what my picture of salvation is. I see the light shining on that gloriously empty tomb and do a happy dance! He did it! He rose from the grave, FOR ME! I am now free, and my joy is over whelming! I'm so glad that I have been saved from myself that I can't be anything BUT grateful on this, Good Friday.

I've been thinking a lot about that torn curtain lately; to me it is a symbol of all the things in my life that separate me from God; and how in that one moment that barrier was torn down. Can you see it in your head? That curtain; in the Bible, was separating the inner sanctuary from the Holy of Hollies, where no one was allowed to go, because God dwelt there. It's often said in the Bible, that if you saw God face to face you would surely die. But that day, when Jesus gave up His life, we were no longer separate from God. We could now be welcomed as His children into His loving arms.

As I sit here writing these words, I have a soft smile on my face. A peace that belongs anywhere but in THIS world; but it comes from knowing that I too will get to see Him face to face one day and I just can't wait for that day to happen.

Thank You so much Jesus, for dying for my sins. I praise Your name that the curtain is no longer separating me from You and that the tomb is gloriously empty!

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