Monday, April 4, 2011

A Whispered Promise

Luke 11:9-10
    “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."

Scripture promises a lot of things, but this promise; it sticks out. What have I been doing for the past three months? I been searching the scriptures to learn faith and patience. So far I've learned some amazing things, but haven't "found my prize". I haven't been healed of anything, as far as I know, I'm still not pregnant and my patience doesn't FEEL any higher then it did on January 1st. When I start thinking about that I start to feel a little depressed, start to wonder what I'm doing wrong. But then I read these verses and I see the promise Jesus made to me; and yes, I feel like this verse was written for ME today.

I have tried not to think about what's not happening and concentrate on all the wonderful things that ARE happening in my study, and I was doing well at it, so well in fact that I didn't even realize I was doing it. I didn't realize it, that is, until I read this verse this morning and God said to me; keep asking Jules, keep knocking.

I'm simple amazed at how God knows what I'm going to need to read and when I'm going to need to read it! What floors me even more, is that the words were spoken so long ago, written centuries ago! Imagine, when Luke was writing down his account of Christ's life and he wrote these words, he was writing them for ME in the year 2011. I know that countless others have needed these words and that even today countless others needed to read them. As I was reading them, I could sense God smiling down on me and saying "in my time child, in my time".

My husband has been driving me nuts this past week, because he's told me he has a surprise for my birthday on Thursday; but won't give me any hints other then "it blows the money out of the water" (referring to the price we set aside to spend on each other). I was bugging him yesterday to get more information and he kept refusing to share. He said he knew I was a planner and that I needed to know; but he wasn't giving me ONE BIT of information. He's right, I'm a planner. And the planner in me has a hard time with not knowing what's going to happen in the future. This is a promising verse in the way it states the future.  “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." It WILL be answered, I WILL find my answers and that door WILL be opened to me.

Notice it doesn't say HOW or WHEN these things will happen, just that they will. I have to admit today that knowing they will happen; even if it's not in the timing or way that I want, makes me take a calming breath and say "ok God, You got this. It's all about You now." I don't know if that attitude will continue tomorrow or the next day, but for now; God is the One who's holding my future...and I'm ok with that!


  1. Aww... Hang in there... :o) Things will work out. They always do...

  2. Well, I finally figured out how to "follow your blog"--not even sure of how I got in here, but I did it somehow...guess it was on Facesmack...Well now, this Birthday thing--sorry I didn't get your quilt in the mail so it would be right there on your birthday, so guess I will have to tell every one that they will get their "Birthday quilt" in the month of their birthday...guess I need that little edge...and hey, as soon as you know what extravagant thing your hubby got you for your birthday, please let me know what it was...I am so curious....ha. Love you...Grammy
