Sunday, April 3, 2011

More Thoughts from a Small Seeded Brain...part two

This song talks about the singers wonderment at the Love of God, and why God would chose them. I have felt that way so many times. Like in the song, I feel like a fading flower; here today and gone tomorrow; but the Lord of all creation loves ME! How do I deserve that? I don't, that's why God sent us Grace
Prayer Song

So the next time you feel bad about yourself, or find yourself thinking you aren't good enough for something, remember that Jesus said "You didn’t choose me. I chose you."  Think about God's words for you instead, loved, desired, perused and chosen, and then simile and know that the Most High has chosen you to be His.

So how do I do these things? Be still in His presence and wait patiently for Him to act? That is my journey of 2011 folks, to learn better how to do these things. For now, I'll keep praying for that patience that is eluding me and keep reading His word. After all, it seems that doing that brings me a new insight every day! I will also keep blogging, why? Because if I write it down, then I can go back and read my journey through the year, and Even if no one else is reading my blog; I am and it's helping me!
Life Verse

For now, I'm just thankful that "You know what I long for, Lord; you hear my every sigh." So I'll continue to rest in that knowledge that you hear my heartache, and you will listen to my sighs. Thank you Jesus for knowing and listening; it means the world to a girl who just wants to be heard.

So the bottom line for me, is that I'm trying hard not to sound "holier then thou" or overly "smart" in my talking about faith. I want God to shine through me and be a light in the world. And I'm taking steps to pray for this person, instead of bash this person. May the Lord shine through us all, and show others what true love is all about.
"Religious Talk"

I praise God that He not only is teaching me things, but that He loves me enough to remind me that He's teaching me. And just like the boy's father; I'll scream it at the top of my lungs..."I BELIEVE, BUT HELP MY UNBELIEF!!!"
Continuing the Journey

These simple words, spoken in love have been acting together with my prayer from earlier to heal my attitude. I won't profess that I'm totally healed of it, because I'm not, I'm still struggling to smile, and when I do manage to get the smile out, it's lasting mere seconds. I do know though, that my attitude is less dark, and I'm not on the verge of tears anymore. I can still use prayers, as can my husband; but I am healing, and YES, the Lord is answering our prayers to make me new!'ll be the death of me yet

In the same breath that I told God I forgave them...again...I had to instantly ask for my own forgiveness. If I'm holding a grudge against someone, I am sinning. There is no way to "softly" put that, but to say it. Holding a grudge is SIN. The Bible tells us to confess our sins and we will be forgiven. So I'm here to tell you that I HAVE indeed held a grudge, and I have indeed released it to God...again. I'm still not sure how I'm going to handle this situation, but I know that it'll take some serious prayer and counsel from friends to clear it in my head. 
The Pain of Learning

Dear Lord, thank You so much for each and every person You have sent to read this Blog today. I know that You have awesome plans for them Lord, plans to prosper them and not harm them. Thank You for the gift of their friendships in my life Lord. I pray that You would protect them, and keep them in the palm of Your hand, Lord. Thank You again Lord for Your peace and favor in our lives. I love you Lord.
Blessings My Friend

The verse in Matthew from the beginning of my post, says that  "If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. 20 For where two or three gather together as my followers,  I am there among them.” and I am claiming this verse for my vision! I am praying this verse through my vision and I pray that you will help me with that as well! Thank you so much for helping me through this!
A Prayer Request

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