Thursday, April 14, 2011

Humble Much?

Luke 17:7-10
   "“When a servant comes in from plowing or taking care of sheep, does his master say, ‘Come in and eat with me’? No, he says, ‘Prepare my meal, put on your apron, and serve me while I eat. Then you can eat later.’ And does the master thank the servant for doing what he was told to do? Of course not. 10 In the same way, when you obey me you should say, ‘We are unworthy servants who have simply done our duty.’”

It's amazing how God works, just two days ago I wrote a blog about feeling sorry for some particular people in the Bible; and today God shows me, again, WHY it was the way it was. I mentioned in that post that I need to learn humility; and it looks like God is going to show me how. I have to say, as painful as it is for me to read scripture like this; I'd MUCH prefer to learn my lessons in humility through the written word then for Him to have to show me in a "real life" experience. I'm pretty sure something like that would leave me bleeding!

As a human, one of the most difficult lessons I'm having to learn is humility. I've said it before; but I'm a spoiled American. I know that my country has more then most other countries and we can pretty much have whatever we want; when compared to other countries. We have commercials that sing "have it your way, right away" to us. We have car dealerships telling us to go ahead and buy that car, even if you have bad credit! We also have drive through windows in our FAST food joints, as if the term fast food wasn't quick enough for us. I've also felt pressured to buy things because a commercial tells me that everyone else has one. I say all of this to note that the society that I live in doesn't make being humble easy; or normal. Through all of the things that I am learning this year, I've come to a big conclusion that God wants me to be abnormal, wired; different or set apart from the World. I've always known that, but reading the Bible and getting a much closer look points it out to me again.

I've heard it called "secret" blessings, or things done for others without the recipient knowing. This seems to be what God has called us to do, sort of. I don't think Jesus meant to do things without the other person knowing in this particular scripture; but I do think He's saying go about our job, do what you need to do; but don't expect any praise for it.

What does that mean for me? I have a feeling that means my spoiled ways of doing something JUST so I can be praised for it; or that it be pointed out how well I did, needs to become a thing of the past. That, my dear friends, is easier said then done. I think my husband has learned the art, at times. The poor man has been known as "Slash" since we got married. Why, you ask? Well because no matter what his job title has been he's been "the youth pastor/machine fixer/music guy///" or now "the warehouse guy/the "go to guy"/the inside sells///" he sometimes feels like he's doing everything and no one notices. But me? Nope, I need to learn this lesson still. I know that even recently I've felt "put out" or grumpy because a supervisor hasn't noticed the good I've done, but only wants me to do more. I know that when I DON'T get something correct and I'm called out for it, I can get all huffy and think "well I've done this and this right every time, why does THAT have to be the thing them mention?" Not very humble is it? My reaction should be something along this line, "wow, I've got a job. I have a GREAT job with benefits and even if the boss man doesn't notice what "awesome" work I'm doing; he's keeping me on as an employee. I know that in this day and age that's saying a LOT about my ability to do the job". Or maybe something like this. "You are right, I did screw that up. I want to thank you for showing me how to fix it". I'll admit it, that isn't easy for me. I'll also admit that I don't even know where to start with that.

As I'm sitting here typing my thoughts and feelings, I think I'm getting a hint from God. I feel like He's saying, do you think that maybe humility is part of learning patience? Maybe He's telling me that my issues stem from not getting that humility part down, and once I get that, I'll be out of His way and He can work a miracle in me. I'm not sure; but when I type it out, it sure feels like that MIGHT just be the case. I'm in the way here...again. So now I've got more to add to my every growing prayer list: Father, help me to get out of Your me to be humble in Your sight and the sight of the world too. Thank You for another hard lesson. Maybe by the end of this year, I'll get that verse that talks about praying without ceasing...just to get all of my prayers on learning lessons in!

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