Friday, April 1, 2011

Some Thoughts from a Small Seeded Faith part one

I've been writing my blog for several months now and I wanted to take a moment and reflect on my journey thus far. As I started reading through my past posts, I was finding that there is a paragraph or two that could sum up that post, and my journey. Having discovered that, I wanted to share those thoughts. I started copying, pasting and linking everything up and discovered I've written a LOT of posts in that time, and in the interest of getting something done BESIDES reading my post for today, I'm splitting it up into three groups or days. Enjoy reading my journey in synopsis form

I've been praying that God would take away my TMJ, when in actuality I should have been praying that God would teach me to have the faith of a mustard seed. They tell us in everything we do, we should do it in baby steps. so this is my first step. I'm praying that the Lord will teach me to have the faith of something as small as a mustard seed.   Faith of a Samll Seed

The same could be said for my life, what starts out as an ooey, gooey mess; when added to a little bit of Heavenly patience becomes a Master Piece in the eyes of our Creator. So now, not only am I praying for the faith of a mustard seed, I'm praising God for his patience in me as well!   Patience

What does that mean to me? It means that in my own strength I will fail, but with Christ at my helm I am ready to fly! I can do ANYTHING with Him, be it move a mountain, be healed of my TMJ, or something as simple as loving my life...I can do it with Christ! So now my prayer list not only includes praying for that faith of a mustard seed, and praising God for granting me patience; but it now includes me laying it all at His feet, giving Him the control to make my "self" control doable! Thank you Jesus!  "Self" Control

I think about my facebook list, and I see (in my head) a lot of military people, wives, kids and at least one fiancee. And then I think again, and I see (again in my head) so many pastors, PW's and PK (pastor kids) and the many volunteers who shape peoples lives through ministry. Then I have to stop and think, I am a blessed women. Not only do I know so many people who have giving their lives to serving God and their country; but I have been numbered among them too. Thank you so much for all you do military, and pastoral staffs! But thank you EVEN more to the many PW's, PK's, MW's and MK's that have given mommy or daddy or spouse up to the cause of God and country. You are a truly rare breed; and you should be praised!   A Small Side Note

I don't know if my words are conveying my thoughts correctly today, but I know that sometimes I need that peace more then I need my next breath; and that is the EXACT moment that God grants it to me. Psalm 34:4 says "I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears." This was another verse that our pastor used this week. I can't help but think about those times I've cried out to God, heartbroken and bruised, and He's answered with that peace, a peace that instantly freed me from my fears.   A Peace that passes MY understanding
I'm thankful for learning all of the hard lessons that God had for me to learn, but He never once left me alone. His kindness and mercy follows/ed me all the days of my life! I know he has a lot more kindness just waiting to shower down on me, and I pray that when that kindness comes, I'll have left my umbrella at home!  Kindness
God's love for us, a love that is so large that He sent His only Son to die on a Cross for us, is ANYTHING but delicate to me. It's strong, beautiful and yes, breath taking. After all, who am I, that Christ would save me from my sins? The Bible says, in Romans 5:8 "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." Think about that, while I was STILL sinning, God sent His Son to die for me, so that I could be saved. That image in my head is so breath taking that I just don't know how to absorb it. But I know that I'm thankful for it. I know that I will strive in my life to show Him how much I appreciate that. Thank you Jesus for your Almond Blossom love, the beauty and strength of it blow me away! I love you Jesus!   Almond Blossom
I have learned a lot through my Bible, and I see patterns...patterns that point out trends in my life through my "special" verses. Here lately, my special verse has been Psalm 5:8 "Lead me in the right path, O Lord, or my enemies will conquer me. Tell me clearly what to do, and show me which way to turn." This became a special verse when Michael and I were trying to decide what school to go to, while we finished our degrees, and has stayed that way as I journey through life. It held special meaning to me when I was ready to leave a job and felt like everyone was "against" me, and it holds special meaning today because I want to know CLEARLY which way to turn, before I start my turning. I have gotten ahead of God on several occasions and would prefer to stay within His will from this point on.   These are a few of my favorite things

I read these words, and I feel hope. Hope from our Lord, the one who's known me since before I was born. He is singing this song to my soul right now. He's giving me peace, patience, hope and love. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:13 "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."  My Lord and Savior is giving me things, faith that He will heal me, hope that I'll someday hold a baby of my own and Love. Love needs no other explanation, it's just that powerful. So when we are all down, feeling depressed and sad; just remember what Rodgers and Hammerstein so eloquently wrote for us...that we will Never Walk Alone.   You'll Never Walk Alone
I marched myself down stairs and across the parking lot to do some laundry and it dawned on me...those things that I was struggling with, JUST YESTERDAY, don't seem so important today. Today, the important thing is to focus on God's love for me, His face smiling on me and the general happiness that I feel. Why is that? why do we, as humans, feel like the world is ending when the sun isn't out?

I don't have any answers for this question, but I think that for once, there don't need to be any answers, just rest, peace and love filtering through my blood, and life today. Thank you Jesus for the sun! :-)   

I wanted to write this post today, because not everyone has a flesh and blood someone to celebrate Valentines Day with, but we all have someone who loves us very much, who died on a cross to save us from our sins, and who; one day, will come back to claim us all in love. That someone is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Thank you so much, Lord for being my all, everything and most importantly, my Love! I love you! Happy Valentines day!   Lovely Day

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