Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blessings on your head

Luke 9:16
    "16 Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he kept giving the bread and fish to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people."

A couple of years ago, I read this verse and something stood out to me. Normally I'll write about what stands out to me today; not years ago...but this time, it's still standing out to me! The little tid-bit that stood out to me was this, Jesus BLESSED the bread before He could multiply it.

With all my talk of healing I have to step back and look at it this way, is this another clue to my puzzle? We ask a blessing on our food at the table a lot, and that may come from this verse; but look at what Jesus did BEFORE the miracle here, He asked God to bless the food. I may be way off here, but I'm seeing that if you want a miracle, a healing or an outpouring of God in your life; YOU HAVE TO ASK HIM TO BLESS IT FIRST! I think this goes back to my demanding to be healed, but am I taking the time to ask God to bless my healing? Am I actively taking a part in this, or just sitting back and expecting God to do all my dirty work?

I've noticed a pattern since I started my blog, my TMJ has gotten seemingly worse. I don't think it really has, but I'm noticing it a lot more, I'm paying attention to the pain more. I've been trying to take those opportunities to pray about the pain and to ask for healing. But I haven't asked God to bless that healing first. I'm not sure exactly how that would play out, but it's something that I'm going to have to keep an eye out for.

I wanted to take this and turn the tables a bit, I wonder if any of my readers are struggling with the same things, or if I'm alone in this. I also wonder if any of my faithful have any advice for me? I'd love to hear what everyone is thinking here!


  1. ok, I had an entire comment typed up and then goggle got all rude on me...let me try again...

    Knowing you like I do, I am sure you already researched the medical side of TMJ. Th few things I know is it can be triggered by stress that causes people to clinch their teeth or grind their teeth. Are you stressed out about something? Worried about something?

    Could Satan being using this physical aliment to slow you down on this new path of study and reflection because your studies are drawing you closer to God and strengthening your faith and by sharing on your blog you are also sharing your faith and ministering to others?

    So maybe not only praying for healing of pain or blessings, but also pray for strength and conviction to keep at it. Pray for Satan to be cast away.

    That is my prayer for you.

  2. I love you! Great blog... But, I kept saying Mozelle toff... I don't think that's how you spell it either, but I just couldn't help it. Other than that I think you may be onto something. I'm gonna try it.

  3. I sing that every time I read the comment too Kari!! it was no accident!!
