Friday, March 11, 2011

Happenings Around the World

 Psalm 54
1 Come with great power, O God, and rescue me!
      Defend me with your might.
 2 Listen to my prayer, O God.
      Pay attention to my plea.

I woke up this morning to the news that Japan had experienced an 8.9 magnatude earthquake and that Tusnami's were headed towards Hawaii, the US west coast and 10 other countries. The second I heard this news on the radio, I started praying. For some reason, the Lord laid it on my heart that I pray for Japan in earnest. Then while I was reading my Bible this morning, I read Psalm 54, and parts of this Psalm really spoke to me about Japan, and Hawaii (as we were waiting for the waves to start hitting Hawaii at the time). I took these words and made them a prayer for those two places. Lord, come with great power, O God, and rescue Japan and Hawaii! Defend them with Your might. Listen to our prayers, O God. Pay attention to our pleas.

 3 For strangers are attacking me;
      violent people are trying to kill me.
      They care nothing for God.

 4 But God is my helper.
      The Lord keeps me alive!

As I kept reading, I felt as if God were saying to me that my prayers were being answered. It's not very often that I feel such a burden to pray for something like this, I feel the need to pray for disasters, but never as pressing as this seems/seemed this morning. I know the Lord has all of these people in the palm of his hand, and verse four testifies to that. Lord, we thank you for we know that God is Japan and Hawaii's helper. The Lord keeps them alive!

 5 May the evil plans of my enemies be turned against them.
      Do as you promised and put an end to them.
 6 I will sacrifice a voluntary offering to you;
      I will praise your name, O Lord,
      for it is good.
 7 For you have rescued me from my troubles
      and helped me to triumph over my enemies.

I am still praying for everyone involved, especially Janpan. I have no idea what it must be like for the people who don't know where thier loved ones are, if they are even alive. My heart is breaking for all of the loss they must be feeling right now. The raido was reporting that dozens of lives had been lost, and possible up to thousands could be lost. So we continue to pray. Lord, we will sacrifice a voluntary offering to You; we will parise Your name, O Lord, for it is good. For You have rescued Japan and Hawaii from thier troubles and helped them to triumph over the earthquake and the Tusnami.

I have had one random person in Japan read my blog, and my heart goes out to them. Lord, please protect the Japan reader of my blog, keep them safe and lead them to help in any way that they can. We love You Lord, thank You for all you are doing! Amen.

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