Thursday, March 24, 2011

Humor in the Word

Psalm 66:19-20
   "19 But God did listen!
He paid attention to my prayer.

20 Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer
or withdraw his unfailing love from me."

I read this verse this morning, and I just had to giggle. After the blog that I wrote the other day, where I wrote about learning that I need to stop demanding God heal me and start praying "if You want to, You can heal me"; I read that God DID listen! I'm more then sure that God has a sense of humor, but it is always fun to SEE that sense of humor come out in unexpected ways!

I not only found humor in these verses, but I also find a nugget to share! God did not ignore us, and He won't withdrawal his unfailing love from us either! How fantastic is that? I know that I've messed up tons of times, hence writing a blog about my demanding ways, but these verses say it all: "19 But God did listen!
He paid attention to my prayer.
20 Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me." Wow. It's just amazing that God can teach me a lesson; a hard lesson, one day and then turn around and tell me that He does hear me!

I think my biggest lesson in my journey so far has been to read my Bible as a teaching tool, not only do I have things to write about this way, but I'm reading my Bible with a totally different attitude then I was before. Before I just read because I wanted to say I'd read my whole Bible this year; and then as I started to grow a little in my faith, my Bible reading time turned into a search for verses that could be my "life verse" for whatever year I found them. Now, as I've begun writing this blog, I've grown another step. I'm actually taking verses and trying to see how they apply to my life. I think the difference comes with the humble attitude, as opposed to my more demanding attitude of before. This year marks the the 7th time I'll have read through my Bible, and it's taken me this long to start looking with a "teachers eye".

It also gives me a whole new respect for teachers, especially those teaching teenagers, because when you teach something to sometimes have to learn those lessons yourself. I can't even count the times that I've read a verse and thought...ooohhh good lesson to write about, someone needs to hear that....only to have God say "yep, and that someones YOU!" I do have to say, writing a blog like this is keeping me humble, because it's all lessons I'M learning and not my readers!

I praise the Lord for His humor, and for sharing it with me this week! It's nice to be able to smile after learning such a painful and scary lesson the other day.

1 comment:

  1. :o) Did you read about platypuses? They're funny... lol I miss you... and thanks for teaching me the lessons too. I love you, Julesie!
