Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Prayer Request

Matthew 18:19-20
   19 “I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. 20 For where two or three gather together as my followers,  I am there among them.”

Have you ever felt like you could do anything you wanted? I confess, in my dreams I feel this way, but in "reality" I feel very limited and human. There is a verse in the Bible that talks about our strength in Christ (Philippians 4:13) "13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.", but I must confess again, I have a hard time putting this verse into action.

I mentioned awhile ago that I had gone through a class at my church to find my Chazown, or vision, and last night we had a follow up meeting. In this meeting they'd asked if there was anything we'd done to "meet" our vision or walk towards that vision yet. I mentioned that my husband and I are looking into adopting or foster a child through our DHS system in Oklahoma. Now, as I was trying to fall asleep last night, I started thinking about another way I can walk towards my vision. I was all on fire about my thoughts as I'm trying to sleep, but in the morning light; I feel less then adequate to accomplish these goals. I KNOW this is the "enemy" trying to get me down, so I'm asking you all to help me out today, I'm asking if you might pray for me so that I can walk towards my vision.

I want to share this portion of my vision with you so that you will know what, exactly, to pray for. Here's my thoughts. I'd like to start a ministry in my church that would provide lawn cutting services to the older people or disabled people in our community, who are unable to cut the lawns themselves. In Oklahoma City, we have city codes that require your lawn be less then 1 inch tall, and if you are outside of that limit, the city will send someone to cut it for you. Unfortunately for those that are unable to cut it, this costs hundreds of dollars for the home owner every time that the city has to send someone to cut it. I know that it's heart breaking for the enforcement officers to have to charge these people for services they are unable to do themselves. I know all of this because I work in this department of the city. My idea is to give the information to the inspectors and (if they legally can) let them give the information to people who could use it. If those people then, in turn, contact me about getting their lawns mowed; I could organize a crew to get their lawns mowed. I feel like this is VERY doable, but slightly over whelming for me, so I'm asking that you pray first of all, that I can make all of this happen (through Christ, of course) and second of all that I can find the volunteers at the Church that are willing to help.

The verse in Matthew from the beginning of my post, says that  "If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. 20 For where two or three gather together as my followers,  I am there among them.” and I am claiming this verse for my vision! I am praying this verse through my vision and I pray that you will help me with that as well! Thank you so much for helping me through this!

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